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Jumat, 03 Februari 2012

Maximum belt speed

Maximum Belt Speed
Dear Mr./Mrs.
I’m looking for a coorelation between different parameters in belt conveyor design to find maximum belt speed. I’ve just found something like that in CEMA ver.6 (Eq. 3.7 & 3.8) for spillage and slip-back, but it’s clear that these equations are wrong. Could you help me to know if there are some equations to solve my problem?
I’m designing material handling system of a steel making plant that the main belt conveyor transfers DRI, Lime, Coke, and Additives in the rate of 720t/h.
Best Regards
Mohsen Mirzaei Fashami
Mechanical engineer
Refer to designer 29th March 2010, 12:56
Originally Posted by MOHSEN
but it’s clear that these equations are wrong. How and why?
Refer to nordell 29th March 2010, 15:51
The speed is highly dependent on your design criteria. Dust control, spillage control, belt tracking, et al.
Your tonnage is very light. Speed should not be the limiting factor. Once the conveyor width falls below 700 mm, there are dimishing returns to go faster. In addition, the conveyor length and geometry needs to be understood.
To control dust, noise, spillage, and belt capacity the densities, particle sizes, feed and receiving conveyor together with their chute geometries need to be given. Chute geometry design goes with the belt width selection and belt speed.
Thus, there are many details that govern the selections.

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